BatteryInfoView Download and Error Fixes

Discover how to troubleshoot common errors and download BatteryInfoView, a user-friendly software that provides valuable information on your laptop or tablet battery.

Understanding BatteryInfo.exe

BatteryInfo.exe is a component of BatteryInfoView, a software that provides detailed information about laptop battery status and capacity. It can be downloaded for free and installed on Windows 10. BatteryInfo.exe is the taskbar application that displays the battery status icon in the Windows Taskbar. When clicked, it opens a window that shows the battery name, capacity, status, and other details. BatteryInfoView has different view modes and capabilities, such as battery information mode view and advanced options like Battery Wear Level and Battery Health. It also allows users to set a time interval to get the realtime status of the battery. To access additional details, press F7, and to customize the program, go to Options. BatteryInfoView is a useful utility for mobile computers, including laptops and netbook computers.

Is BatteryInfo.exe Safe to Use?

Yes, BatteryInfo.exe is safe to use. It is a component of the BatteryInfoView v1.25 utility, which is a taskbar application that displays battery information for laptops, notebooks, and mobile computers. It provides realtime status of the battery, battery capacity, wear level, and power consumption.

BatteryInfoView has two view modes: battery information mode view and advanced options. In battery information mode view, it displays an overview of the battery info, including the battery name, capacity, charge/discharge rate, and more. In advanced options, it provides additional capabilities, such as viewing device drivers, battery values, and files.

To access BatteryInfoView, simply download the program and place it in a convenient location on your device. You can then open it and press F7 to display the BatteryInfoView window. You can also choose to display the BatteryInfoView icon in the Windows Taskbar area or the operating system Battery icon.

BatteryInfoView is a Copyright utility created by Nir Sofer. If you’re looking for a reliable program to monitor your laptop battery, BatteryInfoView is a great option.

Common Errors Associated with BatteryInfo.exe

  • Error Message: “BatteryInfoView.exe has stopped working”:
    1. Restart the computer and try running the program again.
    2. Update the program to the latest version.
      Restart the computer and try running the program again.
Update the program to the latest version.
    3. Check if there are any system updates available and install them.
    4. Disable any antivirus or firewall software temporarily and try running the program again.
    5. Run a virus scan on the computer to check for any malware.
  • Error Message: “BatteryInfoView.exe – System Error The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”:
    1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package from Microsoft’s website.
    2. Restart the computer and try running the program again.
    3. If the error persists, uninstall and reinstall the program.
  • Error Message: “BatteryInfoView.exe – Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point InitializeCriticalSectionEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll”:
    1. Update the operating system to the latest version.
    2. Update the program to the latest version.
      Restart the computer and try running the program again.
Update the program to the latest version.
    3. If the error persists, uninstall and reinstall the program.
  • Error Message: “BatteryInfoView.exe – System Error The program can’t start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”:
    1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package from Microsoft’s website.
    2. Restart the computer and try running the program again.
    3. If the error persists, uninstall and reinstall the program.

How to Repair or Remove BatteryInfo.exe

To repair BatteryInfo.exe, *run a virus scan* to ensure the file is not infected. If it is, remove the virus and download a fresh copy of BatteryInfoView. If the file is not infected, you can try *reinstalling or updating the program* to fix the issue. If that doesn’t work, you can *remove the program* from your computer.

To remove BatteryInfo.exe, *uninstall the program* from your device using the Control Panel or a third-party uninstaller. Once the program is removed, make sure to *delete any leftover files* associated with BatteryInfoView.

If you’re using Windows 10, you can also try using *Device Manager* to update or uninstall device drivers related to your battery. Additionally, you can use *DriverView* to get an overview of all device drivers on your device.

Remember to check your *battery wear level and health* periodically to ensure it’s functioning properly. You can use BatteryInfoView to monitor your battery capacity and power consumption over time intervals. This is especially helpful for *mobile or netbook computers* where battery life is crucial.

Always be aware of *copyright* and ensure you have permission to use any battery info files or programs. Consider using alternative programs like Taskbar BatteryInfo or NK2 to monitor your battery life and place the *operating system Battery icon* in a convenient area. Lastly, check your *registry view* to ensure all battery info is accurate and up-to-date.

Additional Information and Resources for BatteryInfo.exe

Resource Name Description Link
Official NirSoft Website The official website for NirSoft, the developer of BatteryInfoView.
BatteryInfoView Download Page The official download page for BatteryInfoView.
Microsoft .NET Framework BatteryInfoView requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher to run.
Windows Error Codes A list of Windows error codes and their meanings.–0-499-
NirSoft Forum The official forum for NirSoft software, including BatteryInfoView.
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